Poll: The Majority of Texans Expect A Domestic Military Takeover

Respondents were asked if they feel that a “federal military intervention” is likely in several different situations. Strikingly, large numbers of Texans replied in the affirmative.

More than half said that they felt it was “very” or “somewhat” likely that the military would be deployed domestically to arrest political protesters.

A further 50 percent noted that they think it likely that the federal government would use US troops in order to actively violate citizens’ property rights.

In other words, most Texans are actually expecting some form of a military takeover at some point.

A large number, 44 percent, also believe that the military is likely to be used to impose martial law, while the same amount think troops would be asked to confiscate firearms from US citizens.

Source: infowars.com
Photo: The national Guard



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