Police Allow Saudi Parents to Endanger Their Child, Break the Law Because of ‘Cultural Differences’

Police officers didn’t act on it because they didn’t want to offend anybody. Eyewitnesses were more than upset about it.

“It wasn’t an accident and there wasn’t an arrest … it seems this time, culture played an unexpected factor,” KIII-TV reports.

As police respond and get into the car to check on the baby, a woman records video and posts it to Facebook.

“Someone left their baby in the car,” says a woman.

Police were called to the parking lot around 11 p.m. on Feb. 11. The couple was found inside the theater with their 4-year-old child inside.

“It is a violation of law to leave a child unattended in a vehicle,” Kirk Stowers of Corpus Christi police told KIII-TV 3News. “There were no arrests made last night.”

The reason? It was something police weren’t expecting to hear.

“What they found out is that the family is from Saudi Arabia and they said that this is culturally acceptable for them — it’s normal.”

Authorities aren’t sure how long the family has been living in the United States, but decided to show “cultural sensitivity” and let the family go this time. Police are filing the case as an active criminal investigation and plan to follow up with the parents and see if it “really is normal in Saudi Arabia” to leave a child unattended in a car.

“If it was someone who grew up in the United States, of course the outcome may be very different,” a Stowers, a spokesman for the Corpus Christi Police Department said.

According to reports, the authorities weren’t sure how long the family had been living in the United States, but decided to show “cultural sensitivity” and let the family go. They basically gave them a free pass based on where they were from. As police also state in the video below, they will investigate if indeed people from Saudi Arabia leave their children in cars as part of their ‘culture’.

If this were an American couple who left their child in the car, things would be a lot different. This could be only the beginning of things much worse.

Source: kutv.com




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