Phil Donahue’s Hilarious, Delusional Theory Why Trump Became President

Phil Donohue thinks that the reason Donald Trump became president is because “the mainstream media is Trump Trump Trump Trump” — or, in other words, they were obsessed with candidate Trump.

That’s hilarious in its own right — considering how vicious the press was to his campaign — but that’s just the beginning. He also claims that the “elite media failed” American voters by failing to cover Trump’s faults.

So he thinks they covered him too much — but also not enough.

It makes no sense, but that’s pretty typical nowadays. According to people like Donahue, Trump didn’t win because he did well or because Hillary Clinton failed. The think the only reason Trump won is because the American voter is stupid. Thankfully, the press is finally exposing the fact that they’re the stupid ones, not us.




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