Petroyuan: The End of the US Dollar or a Globalist Con Job?

So, the world currency will be changing over quite rapidly, according to many analysts.

But, not so fast.  Although this is not an ideal situation for the US if…IF…it intends on using the Dollar as leverage against all other nations (and of course it does), it certainly does not create a situation where the US Dollar is not the premier trading money unit in the world.  With over 200 countries on the planet, a mere six have lobbed a “soft” promise that they would throw the US Dollar overboard in favor of the petroyuan.  Although 23 nations are interested in the new prospect, most are still not yet convinced that the Chinese market, which has experienced a very volatile plunge in months gone by, is a viable long-term answer to the US petrodollar which is viewed as stable.

While China’s market is rip-roaring right now, that doesn’t change the fact that China has been steadily transforming from a manufacturing giant the world over into a nation of consumers.  The economy that has been primarily focused on providing the rest of the world with goods and this has been occurring for decades.  This, paired with artificial manipulation of its own currency in order to present a more rosy picture of its monetary position (just like in this country), has produced a period of prosperity for China, unmatched since the dynasties of old.

Due to such prosperity in a modern, technology-focused world, China as seen its citizenry alter from a people living to work to a people working to live.  And prosper.  They are enjoying a democracy-like awakening in China, to the point where they are beginning to consume like Westerners.  This has set up a bit of a conundrum for the Chinese government.  While they are at once joyful to be in such a position of power, they are mindful of the way the spirit of the Chinese worker has progressed.  That is what they consider to be dangerous.  It is a delicate balance to strike and a precarious tightrope to walk.

There is another aspect to this as well, one which no one is talking about and one which I believe we are missing the boat.

The push toward this petroyuan is being forwarded by a very important bloc of mindsets that are just what the doctor ordered if you are a fan of the George W. Bush speech last week.  If you recall, the speech had a twofold approach and purpose.

The first was to excoriate the Trump administration and those who voted for him as a jab on behalf of his brother, Jeb.  The second was to enumerate the values of globalism and its virtuosity.  Remember that the Bushes, like the Obamas, the Clintons, the Soroses, etc., view globalism, a world sans borders, and a New World Order where one world government has been set up to deal with the Earth’s ills (and punish the hard-working middle class and upper middle class who are striving for a better life) and a centralized World Bank will be the judge, jury and executioner when it comes to determining which companies flourish and which ones don’t.

This is the reasoning for the panic right now and why the US is being portrayed as being on the edge of the precipice, ready to be pushed over the edge into oblivion.  Truth be told, the people who are angry at Trump right now are at the point of hysteria and will do and say anything…and I do mean “anything”…to thwart his agenda.  One of those main agenda items is this push toward the America First mentality.

Leftists abhor this mentality.  It supposes that the rest of the world will then rally against us, that their leaders will perceive the US as an isolationist nation bent on taking care of itself, and only itself.  The dirty little secret is that Progressives are terrified of what will come from a newly energized America where they hearken back to their manufacturing roots and become the new 21st Century China!

Turn to the final page to read about how this panic has manifested and culminated into a rich tapestry of lies that was created to make it appear as if the US is on the verge of collapse!  Watch a video where one of the guests on the show about the rise of the petroyuan refers to Trump as an “occupier” of the White House and how he is the one who is ratcheting up the violent rhetoric in the country!




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