Paul Ryan Shuts Down CBS Reporter as She Attacks Trump’s Immigration Policy

Paul Ryan may not see eye-to-eye with Donald Trump on all matters, but the speaker of the house isn’t going to let the media smear the intentions of the newly inaugurated president.

House Speaker Paul Ryan shut down CBS congressional correspondent Nancy Cordes after she tried to debate President Trump’s immigration ban during House Republicans’ Tuesday press conference.

“Mr. Speaker, when you do a cost benefit analysis, people from these countries haven’t carried out deadly terrorist attacks here in the United States since 9/11,” Cordes first posed to the Wisconsin Republican. “You have a lot of military experts, intelligence experts warning that this is going to serve as a recruiting tool for ISIS. Are you sure that this is going to make America more safe, not less safe?”

Ryan initially engaged in the dialogue before shutting down the liberal reporter’s anti-Trump tirade:


“We’re not here to debate,” he told Cordes. “We’re here to answer your questions.”

“There is nothing wrong with taking a pause and making sure we have the proper vetting standards in place so that we do not have a problem like France had with Paris.”

Trump and Ryan may have a troubled past, but it seems Ryan has finally come to terms with the fact that Trump is not only his president but his superior — and neither man is willing to get attacked by the press.

Source: Daily Caller



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