Open-Border Advocates in Charge of Debates as Illegal Immigrant is Given Floor at GOP Debate

“When open-borders media are in charge of debates, voters lose,” Michelle Malkin tweeted.  Exasperated that Fox would focus on the illegal immigrants by inviting one to ask the candidates a question, instead of the victims of illegal immigrants, Malkin took to Twitter to stir up the conversation and educate the masses.

Malkin highlights in her new book Sold Out: How High-Tech Billionaires & Bipartisan Beltway Crapweasels Are Screwing America’s Best &Brightest Workers, Fox News founder Rupert Murdoch is the co-chair of one of the most powerful open borders immigration lobbying firms in the country, the Partnership for a New American Economy.

Fox News’ founder Murdoch is at odds with the closed border proponents on the GOP stage and having a face to represent the “poor victims of closed borders” makes for a more entertaining show and bigger ratings, but also indirectly influences the viewers.

On Youtube, Dulce Candy—who will join Fox’s Megyn Kelly in submitting a question for GOP candidates tomorrow night— tells viewers how she and her family climbed fences, waded across a river, and hid from “la migra” in order to sneak across the nation’s border.

Candy described illegally entering the country as an “incredible experience” that she is glad she will be able to tell her child about one day:

It was just such an incredible experience, that I look back at now, and I feel like having that story to tell my son Isaac is going to be really, I don’t know, it’s just a nice thing. It’s not a nice thing for it to happen, but it just– I feel like it does make me to the person that I am today just because after everything that I went through and to see where my life is now.

This is exactly the kind of story an open border proponent would want the public to hear as it makes the law breaker heroic and turns her into the sentimental face of illegal alien issue.

Source: Breitbart




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