The good news is that America has had to listen to Obama’s last State of the Union! The bad news is that the American people have been lied to by a President most outrageously, for the umpteenth time. Breitbart did a fact check of Obama’s fabricated world and has come up with the top ten list of lies that he has foisted upon his beguiled subjects.
After breaking his short speech promise, he gave what Dana Bash, of CNN called a “low energy” oration full of distortions and contrivance meant to keep America hypnotized. Only at the end of his soliloquy did he say something of great import and truth: “There’s no doubt a president with the gifts of Lincoln or Roosevelt might have better bridged the divide…”.
In Obama’s mind, he is the best president America has ever had because of the hope and change he has gift wrapped for his subjects, at their expense. America had the misfortune of 58:44 of Obama bloviation and the list of the top 10 lies are on the following page.
How can the economy be improving? We have a huge deficit and Owe China how many millions? We spend over 900,,million every year on illegals…..and he wants to bring” refugees” here spending how many millions??,but cuts the, military ans cuts for veterans and Va Hospitals…and another no cost of living for people who are drawing social security because as.Congress didn’t want to raise debt. ceiling. But all if a sudden he found millions to bring.Muslims here…the ones that Homeland Security and FBI both said they could not. confirm they would not be a danger to this country and our citizens…..because Isis has control of passport machines in several of the areas they now control. He has been trying to get rid of the 2nd Amendment…..that way the rest gone….Congress better stop up and do their jobs.
What isn’t a lie ?