Aside from the well-known lie that you can keep your health plan if you want, Obamacare is going to cost BILLIONS more than originally projected.
So Obamacare is now supported by unsustainable debt spending.
e large subsidies for health insurance that helped fuel the successful drive to sign up approximately 8 million Americans for coverage under the Affordable Care Act are on track to cost billions of dollars this year, a new federal report indicates.
Nearly nine in 10 Americans who bought healthcare coverage on the federal government’s healthcare marketplaces received government assistance to offset their premiums.
June 18, 10:30 a.m.: Because of an error in calculations, a previous version of this article incorrectly stated that a new federal report indicates that the cost of insurance subsidies under President Obama’s healthcare law may be running above current projections. The figures in the report actually suggest that the cost of the subsidies is roughly in line with current projections from the Congressional Budget Office.
That assistance helped lower premiums for consumers who bought healthcare coverage on federal marketplaces by 76% on average, according to the new report from the Department of Health and Human Services.
Premiums that normally would have cost $346 a month on average instead cost consumers just $82, with the federal government picking up the balance of the bill.
Well keep printing that paper
Love it, and the lie’s just keep coming ……………He will destroy this country………..Wake the F–K up people……
lets dont spend any money on Americans..lets continue to care for the rest of the world..
China needs to pull the plug!
Repeal obamacare now.
what a scam this one is, who needs obama care except the illegals? 🙁