As has been predicted by everyone on the Right and even by those on Obama’s side, Obamacare is floundering.
It’s been five years since the mess of Obamacare began and despite repeated attempts to remove it from legislation and now-ubiquitous warnings from doctors and insurance providers, it has been allowed to continue without forethought or reason. People are now forced to scramble in search of affordable health insurance as more and more co-ops go belly-up.
Find out how Obamacare is failing on page 2.
Been saying this before it was approved. You have to pass it to find out what’s in it Ha.
Totally unconscionable!!!
Impeach Obama
Everything that Obama has done to this country is to destroy it
I drink alot, i smoke alot. I have read the Bible twice. I will keep going to him, Obama care has nothing for me. Obama doesn’t know half of what I know. He now has a 33% chance to survive.
Guess who going to pay the bills..Not Obama that for sure…