Obama did it again. Speaking with “Forward” (a left-based magazine for the Jewish community who voted for Obama) Obama stated that there is not a “smidgen of evidence he is anti-semite”. Last time Obama used the term “smidgen” he was referring to the IRS scandal. That time, he stated “not a smidgen of wrongdoing at the IRS.” Is there any evidence Obama is an anti-semite? Does Obama’s actions and those he surrounds himself with give credence that he favors radicalized Muslims and Islam?
You Bet! Let’s take a look after the break:
yes I would say that there is a “smidgen of truth” you keep referring ISIS as ISIL which means you don’t recognize Israel
He’s a fraud.
hes jewish by bloodtype … all rhnegatives are ……. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=rh+negative+jewish
Wrong hat !!!!
Just because the germans allowed the $#%&!@*s to kill off 70% of the jewish population doesn’t mean the germans didn’t like the jews…Not a smidgen of jew hatred there ,either…..
He’s a pathological liar!
satan obama the Hippocrat .