The Turkish border is an open gateway for Islamic State (ISIS) fighters to pour through in order to continue growing the numbers of the Islamic terror organization in Syria and Iran.
Up to now, Obama has been dismissive of ISIS, calling them a JV team and allowing only occasional bombing raids against them in order to provide the pretense that he is anxiously engaged in stamping out this world threat.
Many believe that Obama is covertly rooting for and propping up ISIS as a way to depose Bashar al Assad, leader of Syria, rather than to become more involved militarily in that effort.
But with the suicide bombings and murders carried out by ISIS suicide bombers a couple of weeks ago, coupled with the embarrassing actions of Russia that showed a commitment to destroy ISIS and the military wherewithal to do just that, Obama is finally waking up to the fact that his narrative is becoming irrelevant regarding the terrorist organization.
Now he is taking action, and by that I mean that he is talking tough, which is about as committed as he gets in defending the U.S. citizenry.
Obama takes action, page 2
Oh no !!! I hope he doesn’t draw a line in the sand.
Why do all you people just want to seal our border to the south? Maybe because Canada is white?
So its fine for the usa to tell other countries to seal their borders but as wont do the same for his own boarder
You “folks or kin” whatever you people are called now, need to stop listening to Alex Jones.. Danm I almost forgot ….. USM USM USM USM…. Freaking hilarious…..See this is what happens when you have “relations” with members…so at the next family hoe down, please say no thanks!!…..So maybe the generation won’t have grey eyes!!!
And Jon Mork .. you sir are a dumb$#%&!@*
Ernie John Williamson, fast food, motels and Wal-Mart counts for the majority of your working claims. Job market has stagnated since end of the 90’s. Nafta drove production jobs over seas. Obama administration has a slow growth.
As with anyone who would be elected after. Bush. Last real job boom was under Reagan. 700M jobs in first 2 years.
Anyway I disagree with you on job growth. We can debate this. We both know the reality.
We do disagree. There is no doubt there are weak spots in the economy, but you can’t argue it isn’t substantially better than when Obama took office. Some points to consider.
1 Federal reserve had raised and wants to raise interest rates. Why? Because the economy is near full employment and wages are starting to rise again.
2. Average household wealth set a record last month
3. As did the number of job openings.
4. China is always blamed for lack of manufacturing jobs. In fact U.S manufacturing output is growing. Why is that? Technology. We can produce more with fewer people. The answer is not China, it is us. We need to do a better job of education and retraining workers. That will help fill all those job openings.
5. Reagan did not have to contend with slow growth in China, Eurozone banking crisis, Greece and Brexit and a Congress that said from outset it would not cooperate.
6. Having said that Reagan created job growth the old fashioned way. Deficit spending in form of taxes that eventually had to be raised again and huge increases in defense spending. The deficit he ran would never pass muster with today’s GOP.