Obama Removes Anti-Slavery Provision From Trade Deal


The reason Obama wants to pull the anti-slavery amendment out of the TPP is to not lose Malaysia, who is a major player when it comes to human trafficking. And, if Malaysia is lost they will then trade with China, which is a deal breaker for Obama.

The President does not want an anti-slavery provision in what he calls the “most progressive trade deal of all time” because it would keep a country noted for its egregious slave trade out of the treaty? I have to admit this bothers me just a little. Okay, a massive amount. We’re not going to object to slavery because a country that openly engages in it might trade more with China than with us? Doesn’t this kind of blow up the whole “most progressive trade agreement in history” thing?

We have imposed trade embargoes on all kinds of countries, for sometimes several decades, for all kinds of reasons. We currently have a trade embargo with Iran because they might someday build a nuclear bomb. It strikes me that openly allowing slavery qualifies as a reason not to trade with a country. In the case of Malaysia, we’re not even talking about a trade embargo: We’re talking about not including them in a free trade deal. But this truly stunning issue, that is causing the administration such concern because it might blow up the TPP, isn’t even the only country that there are these kinds of issues in where we are doing nothing to protect basic human and labor rights in spite of having trade deals with them.

Source: huffingtonpost.com

As it turns out, Obama’s family is no stranger to slavery. In fact, his family used to own slaves – something the liberal media ha fought to hide for years.

Specifically, Obama’s great-great-great-great grandfather on his mother’s side, George Washington Overall, owned two slaves — a 15-year-old black girl and 25-year-old black man.

Obama’s great-great-great-great-great-grandmother, Mary Duvall, also owned two slaves — a 60-year-old black man and 58-year-old black woman.

Furthermore, the Duvalls, who lived in the 1800s, can be traced back to Mareen Duvall, a land owner in the 1600s who owned 18 slaves.

When this revelation initially broke in 2007, an Obama campaign spokesperson tried to deflect from it by arguing that Obama also had ancestors who “fought for the Union in the Civil War.”

And you can best believe that, according to The Baltimore Sun, Obama made no mention of these slave-owning relatives in his 1995 memoir, “Dreams of My Father.”

Source: conservativetribune.com



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