Obama Insults WWII Veterans with Trip to Hiroshima

President Barack Obama is heading to Japan this month, and on the trim he intends to do what no president has done before him, visit Hiroshima.

Obama will visit the site with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe during a previously scheduled trip to Japan, the White House announced Tuesday.Quantcast

The president intends to “highlight his continued commitment to pursuing the peace and security of a world without nuclear weapons,” White House spokesman Josh Earnest said. Obama will not apologize, the White House made clear.

Of course, this promise not to apologize isn’t sufficient to Mr. West. He responded:

President Obama, your dad was from Kenya, and your stepdad was from Indonesia. Perhaps if you’d been blessed to be the son of a World War II veteran, one from the Pacific theater, you’d have a different perspective. Furthermore, you and Secretary of State John Kerry have no moral high ground to talk about peace and reduction of nuclear weapons when the both of you just enabled the militant Islamic regime of Iran to be on a path of nuclear ascension — as well as not containing North Korea from the same.

President Obama, before you head off to Japan, may I recommend you watch the HBO series, “The Pacific,” and see what American men endured. Maybe, just maybe, you’ll comprehend that after island after island, the possibility of a mainland Japan attack would have resulted in hundreds of thousands more American dads killed or severely wounded.

It seems as if Barack Obama does everything he can to highlight the parts of American history that he considers less than great. Considering the miserable view of this country it often seems he has, he may have lots more to get through before he leaves office next January.

Source: Allen B. West



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