The more we learn of the contents of Obamatrade, as it is becoming labeled, the more we can see the wide array of methods used to kill off our nation’s sovereignty. This fascist coup uses international tribunals that overrule our own courts.
Now, it has been revealed that Obamatrade will grant the President powers on immigration like nothing seen before…the worst is yet to come.
Why is the deal a secret!!!!!! Congress should know about it!!!
Getting off this planet at next stop,,,,,
Impeach Obama today
Senate wake up an stop Obama you weren’t put there to kiss his butt!!
I don’t know what it’s going to take to wake up Americans up!! I guess the freebies are better then their freedom! As for the Congress! We voted in a bunch of pusseys!
What’s upsetting about this is many House Republicans are going along with this Paul Ryan for one it’s another Nancy P. situation meaning the agreement has to be p$#%&!@*ed before Congress knows the content , uhhh,ok, wasn’t many of our Republican representatives upset when this was the case regarding Obama Care, why am I getting the feeling that the American people especially Republicans are being thrown under the bus by those who vowed to make changes that would prevent this type of debauchery from happening to the American people.
Everything he does is secret.
but of course he is lying again, he wouldn’t know the truth if it bit him on the ass and congress had better not pass this