Obama Gives Middle Finger to Police with Political Appointment

In one final defiant gesture to law enforcement, President Obama made one of his most despicable political appointments of his entire career. With a spot on the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights open, the president decided that there was no one better for the position than Debo Adegbile.

Who is Debo Adegbile, you ask? Only a former lawyer for Mumia Abu-Jamal, a left-wing radical currently in prison for murdering police officers:

“The case prompted the Senate to reject Mr. Adegbile’s nomination in 2014 when Mr. Obama appointed him to lead the Justice Department’s office on civil rights. Some Democrats joined Republicans in voting down the selection at that time.

Liberals praised the latest nomination. The Center for American Progress cited Mr. Adegbile’s “work on employment, housing discrimination, criminal justice and voting rights.”

Mr. Obama also appointed Catherine Lhamon, assistant secretary for civil rights at the Education Department, to a six-year seat on the commission. She drew the ire of Republican lawmakers in 2011 for issuing a “dear colleague” letter to colleges advising them to lower their standards for judging students accused of sexual harassment of bullying, touching off a dispute in Congress over the legal authority of the letter.

The Center for American Progress praised both appointees as “individuals with a long and proven history of commitment to the advancement civil rights.”

The Senate’s rejection of Mr. Adegbile on a 52-47 vote in 2014 marked the first time that the Senate rejected one of Mr. Obama’s nominees since Democrats changed filibuster rules to require only a simple majority for presidential nominations, an easier threshold that the Adegbile pick still failed.”

Aired July 29, 2014:

Source: Washington Times

Photo: Fair.org



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