Obama: Everything “Doh!” is new again.

Breitbart reports that the president, gave a speech at a clean energy conference in Las Vegas…the perfect city to brag about saving electricity. Once again, stripping away freedom and rights of Americans via his executive actions, he outlined efforts aimed at making manditory for homeowners and businesses to invest in “green energy” hindrances that are still impractical or un-affordable.

The moves are designed to build on the clean power plant draconian rules that the president announced earlier in the month to cut carbon dioxide emissions from coal-fired power plants. It all feeds into Obama’s ego-maniacal goal of cutting overall U.S. emissions by 26 percent to 28 percent over the next decade to combat climate change and encourage other countries to do likewise. Already every other major developing nation from Russia to China to India to Brazil has rejected the plan outright.

Read more here.

Obama’s speech, at an annual energy conference hosted by Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid, was aimed at countering fossil fuel and utility interests that have been working at the state level and elsewhere to undercut clean energy policies with arguments that the matter should be left to the free market. First of all, “clean energy” to Obama means less energy and more expensive energy.

Why let business and free markets and the public have a choice when the government can order them to do something?

Even Homer Simpson knows better.

Photo: Donkey Hotey on Flickr



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