President Obama, who attended the best prep school in Hawaii, went to the best private colleges in the U.S. and who sends his children to a private school, has come out criticizing sending kids to private schools and clubs.
While speaking at the Catholic-Evangelical Leadership Summit on Overcoming Poverty at Georgetown University this month, Obama stated that the private schools and clubs allows ‘the elite’ to separate themselves from society, causing divisiveness. He also stated that it caused a “an anti-government ideology” and gives less opportunity for children.
What a hypocrite he is!
Ovomit is the BIGGEST hypocrite of them all
our schools have been starved out of funds crippling them in order to justify a private take over by buissiness,,,they are against and government funding because they want it PRIVATEZED BECAUSE Republicans are going to “shrink” government¬:*Get rid of Public Education. (Privatize so business can take their cuts/students get less.) vegetables according to Regean and Bush Jr,,
They both wanted to make ketchup a vegetable so they could cheat our childrens school lunches on nutrition and some contractor could make out like a bandit
What a stuttering idiot! His kids are going to Private Schools!