Obama To Create Nationwide Network Of ‘Community Organizers’

The $163 million in grants awarded by the DOJ will go to an initial 10 localities that will participate in a “collaborative reform” process that will ultimately serve as a model for the rest of the nation.

‘Racial agitators’

A list of grants awarded by the Justice Department in 2013 indicate federal funding has been and will continue to be directed toward activist groups described by critics as “racial agitators.”

For example, “Community Policing Development Awards” were given in 2013 to programs including “Building Trust With Communities of Color” from the Vera Institute of Justice, the “Race and Social Justice Initiative” at the Portland Police Department and “Racial Reconciliation, Truth-Telling, and Police Legitimacy” at John Jay College.

Matthew Vadum, an expert in left-wing activist groups and the author of “Subversion, Inc.,” warns such federal funding invariably finds its way into the hands of progressive activists who personally profit from increased community tensions.

“President Obama is no stranger to irony, or hypocrisy for that matter,” Vadum said in an interview with WND.

“After attacking police as stupid, racist, vicious and thuggish almost non-stop throughout his presidency, now he suddenly cares about police officers and the communities they serve. Now he wants to throw millions of taxpayer dollars at ACORN-like groups and professional left-wing agitators whose calling in life is to generate civil unrest,” he said.

“This means that people like the president’s point man on race relations, riot organizer Al Sharpton, will get his hands on lots of government money. This money won’t actually help anyone except for the often-violent Saul Alinsky-inspired community organizers who have been living high off the hog ever since one of their own took up residence in the White House.”

‘Wrong solutions to a problem he created’

Civil-rights activist Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, author of “Scam: How the Black Leadership Exploits Black America,” argues the Obama administration will use grants to reward political allies instead of fighting crime and helping the black community.

Peterson told WND: “Barack Obama and his cronies helped create this problem and now they’re offering all the wrong solutions. The $163 million will not go to fix inner city issues; the bulk of the money will be used to pay off Barack Obama’s political cronies.

“Obama knows the money won’t be used to rebuild the black community – the only thing it will do is empower his far-left political allies. This is an example of redistribution of wealth. ACORN, Al Sharpton’s National Action Network, the NAACP and corrupt black churches will benefit from this plan.”

Source: wnd.com

This network of community organizers that Obama is creating will be designed to not only proliferate more animosity between races and the police, they will also serve to manage the snitches the coming Marxist state will depend on.

“There were relatively few secret police, and most were just processing the information coming in. I had found a shocking fact. It wasn’t the secret police who were doing this wide-scale surveillance and hiding on every street corner. It was the ordinary German people who were informing on their neighbors.” — Professor Robert Gellately

The DHS’s “See Something, Say Something” campaign has been in effect for a decade now, indoctrinating people into the mindset of snitching on their fellow citizens.

This is what is commonly referred to as community policing. Yet while community policing and federal programs such as “See Something, Say Something” are sold to the public as patriotic attempts to be on guard against those who would harm us, they are little more than totalitarian tactics dressed up and repackaged for a more modern audience as well-intentioned appeals to law and order and security.

The police state could not ask for a better citizenry than one that carries out its own policing.

After all, the police can’t be everywhere. So how do you police a nation when your population outnumbers your army of soldiers? How do you carry out surveillance on a nation when there aren’t enough cameras, let alone viewers, to monitor every square inch of the country 24/7? How do you not only track but analyze the transactions, interactions and movements of every person within the United States?

The answer is simpler than it seems: You persuade the citizenry to be your eyes and ears. You hype them up on color-coded “Terror alerts,” keep them in the dark about the distinctions between actual threats and staged “training” drills so that all crises seem real, desensitize them to the sight of militarized police walking their streets, acclimatize them to being surveilled “for their own good,” and then indoctrinate them into thinking that they are the only ones who can save the nation from another 9/11.

As historian Robert Gellately points out, a Nazi order requires at least some willing collaborators to succeed. In other words, this is how you turn a people into extensions of the omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent police state, and in the process turn a citizenry against each other.

Source: rutherford.org

It’s a time-tested communist ploy: keep the citizenry distrustful of one another and focused on some ‘boogeyman’ and their already indoctrinated minds will have little chance to ever conceive that the real threat might be their own government.



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