Obama Begins Assimilating His Brown Shirts, Feds Can Now Hire Criminals

Obama Begins Assimilating His Brown Shirts, Feds Can Now Hire Criminals

If you’ve ever had to apply for a job with a major corporation or diligent company, you may have run in to a segment of your application process that asks you to state whether or not you’ve been convicted of a felony.

Now Barrack Obama wants to eliminate that portion of the process entirely as a means to ease the transition from prison to private life.

“Ban the box,” the checkbox you’re prompted to answer when asked this question, is the slogan being touted by Democrats to support criminals in attaining employment. They can’t force private companies to do it, but you can expect your next visit to the DMV to be a little more intimidating.

With this one action, Obama can being employing felons, you know, those who are capable of enforcing his orders by inflicting pain on others…

See how Obama is helping criminals on page 2.

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