Obama Appoints Transgender to Faith-Based White House Advisory Council

Obama seems to enjoy antagonizing traditional Americans and religious institutions. He is certainly on board with gay marriage, something that has upended thousands of years of tradition and is contrary to the vast majority of Christian church beliefs, including black churches. He seems to take pleasure in demanding that Americans march to his tune, no matter how ridiculous or insulting, and it matters not what damage that might cause to anyone who should dare to disobey his mandates. Now he has named a “transgender” to a religious board to show how much he disdains traditional religious beliefs and organizations.

Last Thursday the White House announced that the National LGBTQ Task Force’s Barbara Satin has been appointed to serve on President Obama’s Advisory Council on Faith-Based Neighborhood Partnerships.

Its nothing short of amazing how far this president has come since his public affirmation of belief that marriage is between one man an one woman just a few years ago.

An active member of the United Church of Christ, Satin has served on the denomination’s Executive Council and was heavily involved in the church’s 2003 decision to affirm the inclusion of transgender people in the full life and ministry of the United Church of Christ. Like Levin, Satin has also been married (to a woman) with whom he had three children.

Satin has a published biography which states in part, “At age 54, Barbara took early retirement and then began to explore more fully her transgender identity.” “With the support of her children and a knowledgeable therapist, Barbara came to understand that her transgender identity was how God had made her and rather than being a curse it could be a blessing in her life.” “As a way to more fully explore her identity, she moved out of the family home to live full-time as Barbara.”

Satin is now involved with a number of homosexual and transgender advocacy groups and was invited to the White House earlier this year to speak to the Obama administration about housing issues for seniors who identify as homosexual or transgender. Currently, Satin serves as the Assistant Faith Work Director for the National LGBTQ Task Force.

Most Christian, Jewish, and certainly Muslim organizations would say that God created men and women, and did not make a mistake and create men who are women and women who are men. That seems to be an enticement to Obama to insult and antagonize these groups by naming Satin as a member of the president’s Advisory Council on Faith-Based Neighborhood Partnerships, which means if a church wants to work with the council, they will have to do it by working with and conforming to demands and directives coming from Satin.

Everything Obama decrees, from immigration to bathroom usage, seems to be driven by his political agenda. It also seems that Obama takes particular delight in poking different groups in the eye to show that he can do whatever he wants. This is one of those cases, and where the Council on Faith-Based Neighborhood Partnerships seems like it could be beneficial to various people and religious congregations, Obama has instead used it to tweak the churches and flex his political muscle in a most insulting way.

Source: allenbwest.com



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