Obama Admin Proposes 30-Year Permits for Wind Farms to Kill Eagles

Windmills can stand as high as a 30 story building, with blades as wide as the wing of a passenger jet. The tips of the blades can turn up to 170 miles an hour, creating a powerful vortex around them, which is deadly for the bird population trying to navigate around these monstrous structures.

In support of President Obama’s renewable energy plans, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is pushing for giving 30-year permits to wind farms that would forgive them for thousands of eagle deaths expected within that frame of time.

Wind energy companies have pressed for these long-term permits, arguing that the current five-year permits leave “too much uncertainty and hampered investment.”

Under the plan announced Wednesday, companies would be allowed to accidentally kill up to 4,200 bald eagles annually via their wind turbines without repercussion — nearly four times the current limit.

Yet somehow, the Obama administration claims that allowing wind energy companies to kill the eagles will somehow “further conservation” of the bald and golden eagle.

“The permitting system gives us access to eagles and eagle mortalities that we wouldn’t otherwise have,” an unnamed source told ABC News. “It’s a great mechanism for us to work proactively to prevent eagle deaths.”

“There’s a lot of good news in here,” Fish and Wildlife Service Director Dan Ashe said in an interview, calling the plan “a great tool to work with to further conservation of two iconic species.”

Fish and Wildlife Service claims that the U.S. population of roughly 40,000 golden eagles could endure the loss of about 2,000 birds a year without being pushed toward extinction. And the agency also suggested that bald eagles, estimated to number about 143,000 nationwide, could sustain as many as 4,200 fatalities annually without endangering the species.

The Fish and Wildlife Service tried to push this plan once already in 2013 before a federal judge overturned it, agreeing with conservation groups like the American Bird Conservancy that the plan failed to properly assess the rule change’s impact on the federally protected eagle populations.

The Conservancy’s Michael Hutchins said a system that relies on industry rather than government regulators to monitor and report problems fails to protect these much-beloved birds of prey.

Once again, Obama speaks a lie, the media repeats it as truth, and like magic, problem solved. Environmentalists should be shouting from the rooftops on this one, but they cannot bring themselves to challenge whatever Obama says, no matter how outrageous.

Windmills are ultra-inefficient, and because they are as unreliable as the wind is, every windmill farm needs a backup generating plant to take over when the wind is not blowing. No doubt Obama cronies are stuffing cash in their pockets on these deals as well, but it is beyond amazing that the con includes the murder of thousands golden and bald eagles that we were told at one time were endangered and had to be protected at almost any cost.  And the scam that is the Obama administration continues unabated.

Source: mrctv.org



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