Obama Admin Paid Over $1 Million to FBI Informant who Spied on Trump Aide After Election

Cambridge professor, Stefan Halper, who once reportedly ran a spy-operation on the Jimmy Carter administration, earned a total of $1,058,161 from the DOD for four annual contracts signed under the Obama admin.

As it just so happens, these contracts corresponds with the two of the four targets of the FBI’s Operation Crossfire Hurricane, when the agency sent counterintelligence agent Peter Strzok to a London meeting in the Summer of 2016 where Papadopoulos drunkenly admitted knowing that the Russians possessed Hillary Clinton’s emails, according to former Australian diplomat Alexander Downer who claims to have heard the admission.

Halper’s contracts were funded through four annual awards paid directly out of the Pentagon’s Office of Net Assessment (ONA). Established as the DoD’s “internal think tank” in 1973 by Richard Nixon (whose administration Halper worked for), the ONA was run by foreign policy strategist Andrew Marshall from its inception until his 2015 retirement at the age of 93, after which he was succeeded by current director James H. Baker.

One of the four DoD awards Halper received

Halper’s most recent award was noted recently by Trump supporter Jacob Wohl, which piqued the interest of internet researchers who continued the analysis.

Award ID Recipient Name Start Date End Date Amount Awarding Agency
HQ003416P0148 HALPER, STEFAN 9/26/2016 3/29/2018 $411,575 Department of Defense
HQ003415C0100 HALPER, STEFAN 9/24/2015 9/27/2016 $244,960 Department of Defense
HQ003414C0076 HALPER, STEFAN 7/29/2014 7/31/2015 $204,000 Department of Defense
HQ003412C0039 HALPER, STEFAN 5/30/2012 5/29/2013 $197,626 Department of Defense

(h/t ProHeat)


The most recent award to Halper for $411,575 was made in two payments, and had a start date of September 26, 2016 – three days after a September 23 Yahoo! News article by Michael Isikoff about Trump aide Carter Page, which used information fed to Isikoff by “pissgate” dossier creator Christopher Steele. The FBI would use the Yahoo! article along with the unverified “pissgate” dossier as supporting evidence in an FISA warrant application for Page.

Halper approached Page during an election-themed conference at Cambridge on July 11, 2016, six weeks after the September 26 DoD award start date. The two would stay in contact for the next 14 months, frequently meeting and exchanging emails.

He said that he first encountered the informant during a conference in mid-July of 2016 and that they stayed in touch. The two later met several times in the Washington area. Mr. Page said their interactions were benign. –New York Times

And as the Daily Caller reports, Halper used a decades-old association with Paul Manafort to break the ice with Page.

Page noted that in their first conversation at Cambridge, Halper said he was longtime friends with then-campaign chairman Paul Manafort. A person close to Manafort told TheDCNF that Manafort has not seen Halper since the Gerald Ford administration. Manafort and Page are accused in the Steele dossier of having worked together on the campaign’s collusion conspiracy, but both men say they have never met. –Daily Caller

Spying on Page after the election…

The second installment of Halper’s 2016 DoD contract is dated July 26, 2017 in the amount of $129,280 – around three months before the FISA warrant on Carter Page was set to expire following repeated renewals signed by Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein and a federal judge.

On July 28, he emailed Page with what the Trump campaign aide describes as a “cordial” communication, which did not seem suspicious to him at the time.

In the email to Page, Halper asks what his plans are post-election, possibly probing for more information. “It seems attention has shifted a bit from the ‘collusion’ investigation to the ‘ contretempts’ [sic] within the White House and, how–or if–Mr. Scaramucci will be accommodated there,” Halper wrote.

1. An unforeseen event that disrupts the normal course of things; an inopportune occurrence.
2. An argument or dispute: “another France-versus-England contretemps” (Rob Hughes).

The email to Page was sent on the same day former White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci reportedly went on a “vulgar tirade” against then-White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus. Perhaps sensing an opportunity to find out if Page was still “on the inside,” Halper may have reached out to find out what he knew.

Halper then invites Page to his Virginia farm, telling the former Trump adviser “Be in touch when you have the time. Would be great to catch up.”

President Trump is now calling for an official investigation:

Now we have word that a second spy from the Obama admin approached yet another member of the Trump campaign.

Republican consultant and former Trump campaign aide Michael Caputo claims that a different spy working for the Obama administration approached him in an attempt to infiltrate the Trump campaign during the 2016 US election.

“Let me tell you something that I know for a fact. This informant, this person that planted, that they tried to plant into the campaign and even into the administration if you believe Axios–he’s not the only person that came at the campaign,” Caputo claimed. “And the FBI is not the only Obama agency who came at the campaign,” Caputo continued.

I know because they came at me. And I’m looking for clearance from my attorney to reveal this to the public.”

Source: Zero Hedge, Zero Hedge


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