NYT: Obama Demonstrated ‘Tacit Acceptance’ of ‘Gender Apartheid’ While Visiting Mosque

When the President visits mosques like the Islamic Society of Baltimore, he is condoning the suppression of women that takes place daily in the Mosque world.

From The New York Times:

This past weekend, dozens of girls and boys as young as about 8 years old ran up the stairwell to the main entrance of the musallah, or main prayer hall, of the Islamic Society of Baltimore, where President Obama visits Wednesday in his first presidential visit to a U.S. mosque. As the children rounded the corner, a stern mosque Sunday school teacher stood before them, shouting, “Girls, inside the gym! Boys in the musallah.”

Further down, Asra Q. Nomani is written about when she challenged the oppression:

“Go upstairs!” a man barked at her when she went into the main hall of Madina Islamic Center, a mosque in Springfield, Va. At Springfield’s Darul Huda mosque, in the separate “sisters’ room,” packed with the school’s children, a woman arbitrarily turned the TV screen off in the middle of the imam’s prayer. At the Islamic Circle of North America mosque in Alexandria, Va., Asra couldn’t even see the imam, or prayer leader, behind the strung-up curtain. At the Islamic Center of Washington, a staffer picked up the phone to call the police when Asra and other women prayed in the main hall. The staffer reconsidered at the last minute.

Calling the police because a lady goes to pray?

This is what our President condones.

President Obama is a humongous civil rights poser. He ran against the idea of gay marriage in 2008 becasue he was told to. He “evolved” by 2012 because it was cool. He campaigns on women’s rights but only if they don’t go into the “prayer space.” The gays aren’t welcome there either. This is what passes for courage in Obama’s world. Playing it safe according to your audience.

Unfortunately for him, the audience is everywhere now. We see how one day women and gays are equal but the next day, time for mosque!

Send those ladies to the back and put those gays back in the closet. This is what no reporter dares call out, it’s why the President believes he is clever in getting away with this hypocrisy.

He has never been challenged over it.

Source: The New York Times

Source: Breitbart

Photo: US News



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