NYC Forces Vendors to Throw Away Perfectly Edible Food For Displaying it Improperly

NYC Forces Vendors to Throw Away Perfectly Edible Food For Displaying it Improperly

The Big Apple is throwing away fresh apples, lettuce, and fresh produce of all kinds, with the police standing by watching sanitation pick up the crates of fresh food from outside shops and toss them into the trash trucks.

With 60,096 homeless in New York City, why is perfectly edible food being thrown away, when the hungry should be fed? 

Why is the food confiscated from benders and businesses and tossed?  The food police… the insane, “fanatical code enforcement”, has put the NYCPD on improper produce patrol. The code says that if crates of food are more than four feet outside the store, it must be tossed.

That’s exactly what the cops should be cleaning up, right?  Forget gangs, drugs, prostitution… focus on tossing out improperly placed food. Food that could help nourish the hungry and the homeless.

Check out the insanity on page two.

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