Hillary Clinton supporters aren’t accepting the results of the election. It’s a stunningly ironic turn of events given the narrative unfolding one week before election day.
During the final presidential debate, Chris Wallace asked Donald Trump if he would unequivocally accept the results of the election if he lost. Trump refused to make that guarantee. He wanted to preserve his rights to contest a close election.
Trump’s willingness to contest an election isn’t unprecedented. In 2000, Al Gore challenged George Bush’s victory in Florida. The legal battle made it all the way to the Supreme Court, where Gore lost.
But the media didn’t seem to remember this moment in Democrat history. Instead, they called Trump’s willingness to challenge election results “dangerous” and a catalyst for an anarchist movement.
Now that Trump has won, the media is changing their tune. Suddenly, it’s Clinton supporters who are unwilling to accept Trump’s victory, and the media are supporting their cause.
See how the NY Post thinks Clinton can “still get Hillary into the White House” on the next page:
Not happening
Ny post isn’t even a real newspaper!
Let em all move to california, put her$#%&!@*in charge and let em all starve to death! Call it Hillywood!
Trump took MORE than 60% of the total states. Check out this map of the People’s votes by county. Tell me if you can agree with the Left that Hillary in any way beat Trump.
The media isn’t talking about that. Instead they take video and pictures of a few hundred snowflakes gathered to protest and riot against the choice of the majority. Additionally, the media isn’t reporting that Trump didn’t get 270 electoral votes. Trump took the MAJORITY in the electoral college. He CRUSHED her… but that’s not what’s being reported. Instead they keep reporting that Trump got 279 electoral votes. The truth is that Trump earned 306 electoral votes whereas Hillary only received 232. Trump took 57% of the electoral votes.
Election is over. God bless America
YOU ARE A KILLER Hillary For Prison 2016.
How can she with her lies, bribes, payoffs,
Crooked and illegal dealings, election
Fraud and rigging, believe she should
Win and is the best choice????
She’s sicko if delusional. She’s planned
This for eight yrs. and refuses to accept,
She lost. Now Soros is further interfering
To get her in and Trump out.
Bribes, threats whatever it takes.
He doesn’t have the right to interfere.
He needs to butt out. Obama is also
Helping her. So UNAMERICAN!!