If you are looking to visit a place where free speech is absent, North Korea should be near the top of your list. It’s not the only oppressive regime that punishes those who express themselves with thoughts that are at variance with the official line, but it’s one of the most aggressive in doing so.
Given that the leader in North Korea is given something resembling god-like status, criticizing him is seen as more than just taking a swipe at a politician. It borders on blaspheme. Whether the North Korean leadership would characterize it that way or not might be in doubt, but telling the sort of jokes in North Korea that we do in America about Mr. Kim would land you in jail or far worse.
In fact, the sort of biting criticism and verbal hostility that characterizes much of the political discourse in America and other western nations would never fly in North Korea. Apparently some North Koreans forgot that and now find themselves in serious trouble.
More on page two.
For sure unstable and evil
Arrested for speaking the truth?! Wow what low lives
Without fat boy is unstable
Let me see if I understand this right. He is killing his own officers and we are bitching.
I have thought that his own officers would probably take him out!