“No Excuses” Hillary…Makes Excuses

Earlier this week, during a speech in Cleveland, Hillary Clinton contradicted herself. Okay, so that might not be surprising news or anything new, but there’s a point to this. While Hillary spoke out about how there needs to be more vocational schools and jobs to please her union donors, she lied to hundreds of people by saying that she’s a “No-excuse” kind of person.

Okay, if that’s true, and it isn’t, why are there new reports coming out saying that her multiple violations on the handling of classified information wasn’t her fault? Apparently because during a random dinner years ago, Colin Powell claimed that he sometimes used his personal email for unclassified documents, that it was okay for Hillary to do the same not only with unclassified materials, but also with classified? Because that’s how liberals think, when at first you don’t get away with doing something illegal blame somebody else. And in this case, blame the Bush Administration. That seems to be a common theme for those serving under the Obama Administration.

Read how Collin Powell’s office responded on the next page.

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