New Study ‘Proves’ Smart Meters Develop Abnormal Heart Rhythms

A new study has found a correlation between smart meters and abnormal heart rhythms.

Researcher Warren Woodward from Sedona, Arizona conducted his experiments using an EKG machine to measure heart rate and rhythms when a smart meter was turned on, and off in the household.

Smart meters already frequently violate the Federal Communication Commission’s restrictions on permissible levels of human exposure to radiation and various studies suggesting high levels of radiation exposure is leading to the development of a medical disorder frequently officially termed as “electro-sensitivity”. Common symptoms include headaches, fatigue, eye problems, leg problems, heart problems, dizziness, ringing in the ears or insomnia.

Studies before have suggested that smart meters could be behind heart problems.Woodward’s finding is the first directly proving a definitive correlation between abnormal heart rhythms and these apparatuses.

That is what makes this study so groundbreaking.

Woodward points out that in his rural location there is cell phone coverage, but that the EMF from cell towers is low intensity. Due to his location, there are no other forms of EMF that he is being exposed to.

He also attempts to do a controlled test by hooking himself up to the EKG while not knowing when the smart meter is on or off, so that his body cannot anticipate a response, nor can he affect his heart rhythm with his own free will. He has no health conditions, and is on no medications, however, when he is exposed to the smart meter, his heart skips beats – literally.

Here is a video recording of the heart rhythm changes recorded,

The health of your heart influences every component of your physical and mental health. Anything scientifically shown to harm the health of your heart needs should be accommodated by a disclaimer. If disclaimers are not being provided something sinister is afloat. This is a mild statement. The reality is likely far darker and connected to either a financially motivated cover-up to negate the fallout from acknowledging these new findings and other studies pointing out a clear negative associations between these devices and reduced human health OR a deliberate attempt to implement the U.N.’s stated vision to both reduce the global population and become more environmentally friendly. A combination of those two factors consistent with past historical trajectories seems to be the most probable hypothesis for as to why this is being covered-up and not reported at large.

But now you know.

Over 70 million smart meters are installed today and that number is projected to reach 90 million by the year 2020.

How is it possible that more is not being down to raise awareness on these connections?

Source: Waking Times



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