California may have the best weather, but it is the worst when it comes to liberty. With every stroke of the legislative pen, another right, another freedom, is altered or done away with.
A new law that steps on religious freedom is packaged in an bill called the Reproductive Fact Act (Freedom, Accountability, Comprehensive Care, and Transparency), which will require pregnancy centers to tell clients where they can get state covered abortions.
Pregnancy centers are the alternative to abortion centers, as the name implies, and this law forces the viable alternative to post a phone number for county social services.
More on page 2.
This is bs. At least in FL. There is absolutely NO info on abortion in any free clinic & when asked about abortion, they say they don’t give info on abortion because they don’t believe in it. Wtf?! A state runned clinic doesn’t offer info on abortion?? They sure as f**k give you info & how you can f**k, have 10 kids & everyone else can pay for them with their taxes! I’d rather they have a damn abortion than pay for their 10 kids the rest of their lives.