New 3D Analysis of 9/11 Proves Videos Released to the Media Were Rigged

Interestingly enough this aligns with eyewitness accounts and videos of 9/11 with people struggling to identify the dark object dangerously barreling through the airspace.

Moreover, eyewitnesses of the plane could be heard saying things like: “What the hell is that?” As the object was not perceived as a plane to the physical eye.

Additionally, Hall’s analysis found that a Boeing 767 can not travel near sea-level at the speed of over 505 knots (578 mph) as a prominent 9/11 report claims.

Hall’s new 3D model does confirm something was traveling at the speed of “583 mph” through the airspace surrounding the North Tower as stated by the official commission, However, this also proves the commission and surrounding reports are literally requiring people to defy the laws of physics and believe in a scientifically impossible chain of events. A physical object did travel through the air at “583 mph”, there is just no possibility within the realm of scientific reasoning that it could have been a Boeing 767.

Here is the 3D Flight Analysis



Source: Intellihub



    • kelly wall
  1. Anita
  2. thomas pesek
  3. Shirley Sanders
  4. Rob
  6. m
  7. Daniel Dal Santo

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