#NeverTrump Wins in Virginia Federal Court

Those who have opposed Trump for the GOP presidential nominee are still fighting to keep him from becoming the candidate, by providing delegates a “way out of voting for him”. Much like the push by Colorado delegate Kendal Unruh, who proposed a change to the Republican National Convention rules which would allow delegates, who are pledged to vote for Donald Trump, to invoke a “conscience clause”, this ruling by Judge Robert E. Payne is great news for the #NeverTrump movement.
According to a statement from the organization known as Delegates Unbound, a verdict was reached on the right of delegates to vote for whichever presidential candidate they wish at the convention as opposed to casting their ballots that follow the state primary results.

Judge Robert E. Payne ruled in favor of Virginia Republican delegate Beau Correll, who sued the Commonwealth to allow Virginia delegates at the GOP convention to cast their votes for the candidate of their choice on the first ballot instead of the winner of the Republican state primary, Donald Trump.

Winning a plurality of votes in Virginia’s primary, with 34 percent of the vote, Trump still was unable to find enough “delegates in the state to win the majority of slots at the state party convention back in April.” Ted Cruz won those posts.
Source: Daily Caller




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