NBC Sports Writer: The American Flag is Too ‘Political,’ Should Be Removed From Baseball Games

Conservatives have long valued the symbol of the American flag more than the left. Now, the left are determined to take the flag out of sporting venues and public schools.

Everything is political to the overly sensitive mind of today’s leftist. When the Atlanta Braves unfurled a gigantic flag for the playing of the national anthem, it prompted an ultra sensitive member of the partisan media and his Twitter followers to express a whole host of ridiculous claims.

In a Twitter post this weekend, NBC baseball writer Craig Calcaterra complained that the presentation of Old Glory evoked overly political tones. He and his like-minded comrades used the occasion to attack the flag, the military, President Trump, conservatives and the singing of God Bless America.

Ironically, Calcaterra’s desire to rid the sport of politics was the only political statement made during the game, as most don’t consider the flag overtly political.

Of course, Calcaterra’s tweet was met with backlash almost immediately.

“How is the flag political? Matthew Weymar Tweeted to Calcaterra. The NBC writer responded that maybe a flag “in and of itself isn’t always political. A two-acre flag with a military flyover is saying something very specific, however.” Chris McAllister asked Calcaterra what an American flag for Democrats looks like?” Touche!

Rick Krahn commented, “I think there was a time when love for country wasn’t considered political. And a lot of people would like to return to that time.”

Now, even patriotism is offensive and inappropriate. Maybe, if the left had respected the flag in the same way as the right, the banner wouldn’t be so “political.” But they didn’t, so instead of giving it the respect it deserves, they’re trying to get rid of it altogether.

Source: News Busters

Image: Thundertreats



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