Muslims Attack Christian With an Axe for Changing Religions

Nissar Hussain, a 49-year-old Christian, left the Muslim faith and has been persecuted by other Muslims for choosing to follow Jesus. He was attacked by two hooded Muslims with a pickax, leaving him concussed, as well as suffering from other fractured body parts.

Nissar believes that the recent abuse at the hands of Muslims is due to a documentary he took part in.

He said he was targeted likely because he appeared in a 2008 documentary about the mistreatment of ex-Muslim Christians.

“We are classed as blasphemers by some members the Muslim community,” he stated. “They call scum and treat us as second-class citizens.”

“I still do not regret speaking out in the documentary as this is an issue for converts up and down the country… I should not have to be concerned for my own safety as well as my family.”

The difference in faiths is dramatic, one offers prayers for those who persecute them and the other persecutes those who leave.  Which do you call a religion of peace?

An Imam spoke recently about what the Qu’ranic law in an interview about violence against non-Muslims.  It is chilling.

In response to questions about Muslim violence against non-Muslims, Mullah Krekar tells Norwegian TV that not only is it okay for Muslims to kill non-Muslims, it’s actually required by Qu’ranic law. Further the imam says that “Muslims have the right to Kill anyone who does not respect Islam.”

Source: Info Wars



  1. Sarge

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