Muslim Cleric: “Women Only Have 1/4 of A Brain”

A Muslim cleric is being held in contempt by the civilized world for his appalling remarks on the intelligence and function of women.

A Saudi cleric has been slated for saying that women don’t deserve to drive because they only have a quarter of a brain. Sheikh Saad Al-Hijri was also banned from performing his religious duties because of his outrageous comments.

Al-Hijri made his brain-numbing remarks at a lecture aptly titled, “The evils of women driving.”Women are banned from driving altogether in the notoriously conservative country, with many jailed for attempting to.

According to the cleric, women only have half a brain to begin with, but, when they attempt to factor shopping into their feeble minds, that halves again and they “end up with only a quarter,” as cited by the Jerusalem Post.

Fighting the atrocities put forth by the individual in the video above and others like him is not an attack on their religion, it is an attack on barbarism.

You don’t have to go to extreme levels to keep 1/4 brained women following your every whim or command…

That is what Sharia law often looks like even in modern successful countries such as Pakistan that boasts of being a modern fusion of “democracy and Sharia law”. Those two words go together about as well as “feminist Muslim”. But, according to the lovely ladies behind the Women’s Marches – Sharia law is good for Western societies and the “Prophet Muhammad was a feminist“.  What does that tell you about feminism, being politically correct, and the whole push to bring sharia law to the U.S. in an attempt to help refugees assimilate?

Where is the outrage “feminists”? You’d really expect at least 1/4 of their brains to be upset.

Source: RT




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