MSNBC may be known for its leftist approach to political coverage, but not everyone on the network is on Team Clinton. The network that Rachel Maddow calls home has a rouge agent among them — and his name is Chris Matthews.
Matthews is a well-known liberal. In 1974, he ran as a Democrat for a seat in the House of Representatives. After that loss, he was employed by both the Carter administration and Speaker of the House Tip O’Neil.
But Matthew’s status as a lifelong Democrat doesn’t mean he’s a fan of Hillary Clinton — far from it.
This week, Matthews eviscerated Clinton in a way that would be harsh for even Fox News. He doesn’t mention Donald Trump by name, but it sure sounded like an endorsement for the Republican nominee.
Watch Matthews tear down Clinton in the video on the next page:
For too long Hillary Clinton and Democrats have failed to deliver solutions that will grow our economy, improve our schools and reform our criminal justice system. The Republican Party is committed to a better future for all communities, and all of our Republican candidates are going to lead our nation in a new direction and provide meaningful change for the African American community.
Vote Republican: Just look at your health insurance cost and very high deductible.
I’ll believe it if I see him pull the lever?
Good for you Chris, you have opened your eyes.
he is still a douchebag
Good, but Chris is still an$#%&!@*
The vitriol this man has spewed has done far more damage than his choice to vote or not.
What would Hillary Clinton The Queen of Corruption, Lies, Deception and Misdirection do if she has Power! Extremely Careless! Now The the FBI open it once again she will never be able to trust her again! Not to be trusted with any thing! Our country is in danger with her as a leader! Hillary Clinton must be stopped! In 30 years Hillary Clinton has never brought any type of Job’s to America? ! So at the age of 70 just what do you think she can do? She has no clue! Yes she’s been a lawyer got a man off for raping a 12 year old girl! Said the little girl ask for it! This little girl was raped so bad she will never be able to have kid’s of her own!She was a Senator for New York she promised job’s and there still waiting? She was First Lady she called name and paid off women Bill raped. Then there was Secretary of state couldn’t do that job either As Admiral James Lyons said She couldn’t handle security of a P**s ant! 13 acre compound in Benghazi! And you want to turn over the security of a this great country to her? No Way Admiral James Lyons former Commander of the U.S Pacific Fleet! Yes sir he is right! Vote Nov 8,2016 Americans for TrumpPence2016 Let make a difference! Donald Trump For President & Mike Pence for Vice President! A sure thing!
Wow what a spin on this…. I’m dizzy. He was definitely saying, without naming names, a vote for Hillary is a vote for, politics as usual. Everyone will read this to make their, own, point. I just made mine.