Mother of Ted Cruz’s Birth Certificate Raises Both Questions and Answers

The saga surrounding Ted Cruz’s eligibility to run for president continues, as his campaign tries to prove that voters have nothing to worry about. They provided his mother’s birth certificate to Breitbart, but it’s her actions later in life that are now raising some doubts:

Eleanor Darragh, mother of, was born in Delaware on Nov. 23, 1934, establishing her citizenship by birth–and, according to U.S. law, that of her son, even though he was born in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, on Dec. 22, 1970.

The Cruz for President campaign provided Breitbart News exclusively with the birth certificate.

Later, Ted Cruz’s own birth certificate listed his mother as “Eleanor Elizabeth Wilson.” “Elizabeth” was her mother’s first name, and “Wilson” is a surname from a previous marriage.

The Cruz campaign was responding to inquiries from Breitbart News about a document showing that both of Cruz’s parents had been named on a list of voters in Calgary for the 1974 Canadian federal election.

Only Canadian citizens were (and are) able to vote in federal elections. The lists were compiled through a door-to-door process of “enumeration” by registrars, and were publicized partly so that mistakes could be corrected.

Further muddying the waters regarding the citizenship of Ted Cruz were words that allegedly came from when he was a college student.

[Princeton debate partner] Lubetsky said he remembered one occasion at a border crossing where Cruz identified himself as a dual citizen, “because I pointed him to and said he was a dual citizen.”

“I think his normal routine was to identify himself as an American,” he said.

While many legal scholars agree that Ted is eligible to be President of the United States, the fact that it is now being so hotly debated is no doubt a strain on the otherwise surging campaign.

As the Supreme Court does not proactively rule on cases such as this, until and if Ted Cruz becomes President, his official eligibility may remain a hotly debated mystery.


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