Monsanto Goes on Trial for Crimes Against Humanity and Environmental Terrorism

Monsanto hasn’t been making many friends lately.  It’s been accused of creating and marketing products that its detractors claim are known carcinogens. The whole debate over genetically modified organisms finds Monsanto right in the middle of the controversy.  In fact, just mention “Monsanto” and you’ll probably find yourself in the middle of controversy.

Given its global reach, it’s no surprise that the firm has found itself in trouble with entities of global government. Now, as regular readers of Truth and Action know, we are no fans of global government and see it, correctly in our opinion, as a threat to our independence and very form of government.  That said, these bodies do have considerable power, and it looks like Monsanto has finally gotten itself in hot water with at least one such body.

In a piece that can hardly be described as low-key, we learn the following.

In an information war which guarantees to be a roller-coaster of emotions for truth seekers involving both moments of hopefulness and helplessness it is now revealed that the environmental terrorist organization known as Monsanto will officially be the target of what amounts to a crimes against humanity (and the planet) tribunal in Hague Netherlands officially beginning on Friday October 14, 2016.

This tribunal will consist of five international judges listening to the testimonies of thirty witnesses and experts from around the world as they tell their stories profiling the nature of Monsanto’s environmental terrorism on humanity and the planet.

“Environmental terrorism” is a serious charge.  And the whole issue is something of a odd mix for us. We are very critical of “Agenda 21” and most anything else the U.N. conjures up.  But Monsanto appears to have a lot to answer for as well, even if the deliberations are being held under a U.N. dictate that we view with at least suspicion if not outright disdain.

What’s the immediate goal of this tribunal?

…this tribunal is only looking to set the groundwork for a system that needs to be in place for not only halting all of Monsanto’s global genocidal activities but for eventually holding the criminals that run Monsanto and the conspirators who invest in this terrorist entity accountable for their direct and indirect crimes against humanity.

A globalist firm being judged by a globalist enforcement body?  Let’s see if anything becomes of this.

Source:  Activist Post

Photo: Beforeitsnews



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