Mitt Romney Still Talking About Entering the 2016 Race

Mitt Romney is still talking about entering the 2016 race, even though he can’t win.

Speaking with John Dickerson at the Aspen Ideas Festival Wednesday, Romney said, “My wife and kids wanted me to run again this time… I got an email from one of my sons yesterday, saying ‘You gotta get in, Dad. You gotta get in.’”

Romney voiced concern, however, that without the full backing of his party, he wouldn’t have much success.

Romney went on to tell Dickerson that he did not think he would do well as an independent candidate.

“I don’t think an independent candidate can win,” he said, adding that the idea of running and asking people to rally behind him with the sole purpose of stopping another candidate – in this case, Donald Trump – is not something he could do in good faith.

Mitt Romney is right. He wouldn’t win if he ran. That’s not because he’d be an independent, though. It’s because he’s lost every race he’s ever enters — except one.

He may think he’s the savior of the Republican establishment, but his constant belittling of Trump is doing more than hurting the GOP’s chances at the White House. He’s harming down-ticket conservatives depending on high-turnout as well.

Source: Breitbart



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