We’ve seen it before. Some individuals or families get harassed by federal authorities for engaging in behavior that is perfectly legal, but highly unpopular with the authorities. When that happens, the targets see their rights get trampled upon as well as their assets seized or destroyed. Such is the result of an overzealous government agency that is bent on wiping out practices with which they disagree.
Government can be a dangerous thing to have around when you wish to exercise rights that go against official desires. You might find yourself the target of intrusive and excessive investigations by any number of agencies that have gotten out of control. While you might well be within your rights, you could still find yourself with a healthy bill for legal representation — a concern the government does not have.
Those engaging in certain practices related to self-sufficiency, especially as relates to organic food, can find themselves in official cross-hairs even though they’ve done nothing illegal. More on page two.
We don’t grow when things are easy; we grow when we face challenges.
Michigan has its own goverment ?
That bs
Wonder what Dr. Pol has to say about THIS! That’s where he is!
Meanwhile the same government in Michigan is still expecting the residents of Flint to drink polluted water. Mind you it was bately made public nearly 3 years ago, which means it was probably known for at least 5 years.
Another state wrecked by Liberalism. That toxin has wrecked Detroit and turned it into a near ghost town and now this nonsense. The folks who took part in this illegal raid should be arrested and locked up for good. Wake up Michigan. Vote the liberals out. Stop putting those crooks back in office and stop listening to their lies as well.
Liberalism is a slow toxin. It does horrible damage to a state the longer it seeps into it. Ask California. They have Fatal Toxic Liberalism Poisoning. State died in 2017. Dont be next Great Lakes State.
California: 1850-2017. Cause of death: Fatal Toxic Liberalism Poisoning. Enough said.
This is government at work
F**e news