Maryanne Godboldo stopped giving her child anti-psychotics because she stated that it made her child’s condition worse. Godboldo’s attorney stated that it made her “horribly ill, aggressive and violent.”
Michigan Child Protective Services didn’t let a thing like adverse reaction to anti-psychotics hinder their insistance that the mother continue to give her daughter the drug that was harming her, they sent in a SWAT team in an armored vehicle to seize the girl from her mother.
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Mom in this article please contact me. Im living the same. Any guidance ?
I was taking that medicine I feel better after I got off of them those side effects that I had got me to gain weight and so sleepy I couldn’t do nothing what I wanted to do so my husband said I had bad side effects to the medicine now I feel better and back to myself like I was years ago
They want you on these medications they dumb you down and turn you into a zombie how can you make a clear choice or defend yourself while in them ???
Protest to expose cps