Miami Asst. Police Chief Refuses To Honor Pledge of Allegiance Due To Muslim Belief

The Miami Police Department fired back at Ortiz, stating that Najiy followed proper code in not to saluting the American flag.

Maj. Delrish Moss claimed that military code of conduct supersedes police code and that Najiy properly followed military code, which allows for a reprimand if an officer doesn’t salute the flag, but makes no mention of covering the heart during the Pledge.

Ortiz accused the department of “deflecting the issue” by quoting military code.

“The Pledge of Allegiance is not recited in military formations or in military ceremonies,” Ortiz said. “At other functions where the Pledge of Allegiance is recited, a soldier in uniform silently stands at attention facing the flag and renders the hand salute if outdoors. Indoors, a soldier in uniform silently stands at attention facing the flag. We are not soldiers, but law enforcement officers.”

Ortiz has issued a letter officially calling for a reprimand.

The Miami Police Benevolent Association released a statement Wednesday afternoon that said in part, “Racism cloaked in patriotism is a huge insult to the American flag, the city of Miami Police Department, and the countless hate and anti-Muslim filled rants generated by the recent antics of the FOP president; those two things seem to be the genesis of the current false controversy.”

The statement continued, “A person who calls attention to Assistant Chief Najiy’s decision to stand respectfully at attention during the Pledge of Allegiance, while he himself video taped the proceedings rather than pay the proper respect to the flag, is acting like a hypocrite.”

Najiy was promoted last year with great fanfare as the first female assistant chief in city history. She is a 30-plus year veteran with the Miami Police Department.


assistant chief of police Anita Najiy



  1. Gerry leon

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