Mexican Cement Company Offers to Build Trump’s Border Wall

The liberals are a bore — partly because they are so predictable.  Anyone opposing their policies of making government just as big as possible regardless of the success of their programs is tagged as selfish, uncaring, bigoted, homophobic, xenophobic, or some combination of these and other pejoratives.  Never mind that their policies frequently don’t work.  It’s just that they are the only ones who really care that is important.

So wouldn’t it be ironic if their nemesis, Donald Trump, actually established policies that really did benefit the less fortunate?

Mexican cement producer Grupo Cementos de Chihuahua (GCC) is ready to help President-elect Donald Trump build a wall on America’s southern border.

Based in Chihuahua, a large Mexican state bordering Texas and New Mexico, GCC is one of the largest cement companies in Mexico, but generates 70% of its sales in the U.S. and has multiple plants near the border.

“We can’t be choosy,” said Enrique Escalante, CEO of GCC. “We’re an important producer in that area and we have to respect our clients on both sides of the border.”

And cement isn’t the only industry in Mexico that a Trump presidency might benefit.

It certainly appears the Trump presidency will bode well for Mexican firms, in contrast to how the Obama administration boded well for violent cartels and human smugglers taking advantage of America’s open border.

In general, Mexico will likely benefit greatly if Trump keeps his campaign promise to gut NAFTA, which has fueled mass unemployment in America’s southern neighbor, causing thousands of illegal immigrants to flood into the U.S. looking for jobs.

“There are no jobs [in Mexico] and NAFTA forced the price of corn so low that it’s not economically possible to plant a crop anymore,” said Rufino Domínguez, the former coordinator of the Binational Front of Indigenous Organizations. “We come to the U.S. to work because we can’t get a price for our product at home.”

“There’s no alternative.”

Imagine that — fewer Mexicans wanting to illegally cross the border because their own country offers good jobs for a change.

Source:  Infowars



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