Merkel Calls Emergency Meeting As Migrants Fracture Germany

Unsurprisingly, Germans are not exactly enthralled with the government’s attempts to accommodate refugees. Breitbart notes:

“As Mrs. Merkel seeks to defuse the political unrest over her open-door policy, she also confronts waning public approval for her insistence that Germany has an obligation to welcome any and all migrants from the Middle East. Backing for her CDU slipped two points to 36 per cent this week, down from an August peak of 43 per cent, according to a weekly poll carried out by Forsa.

Meanwhile Germany agreed with Austria on Friday to new rules for a more ‘orderly’ passage of migrants.

After a week in which tensions flared between the neighbour states, Germany’s interior ministry said that the people massing at its border with Austria would now be funnelled through five entry points.

‘We would like to have a more orderly procedure,’ a spokeswoman for the interior ministry told AFP following a bilateral agreement which took immediate effect.”

Sounds like Merkel sees the writing on the wall. Just goes to show politicians are pro-immigration until it hurts their poll numbers.




    • no more madness
  1. Cecile
  2. Cecile

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