By now every reader is familiar with Kim Davis, the Kentucky county clerk willing to be jailed rather than violate her Christian faith by issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples.
However, what happens in similar circumstances when a Muslim woman refuses to do something simple in the name of her religion?
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Who cares as long as they just shut up.
Why didn’t the Feds let me out of the psych ward when I told them what they wanted on Fcvna legal now God bless r freedom love the USA !!!
No they always been the same morons
Driving is not in the Qu’ Also, for all of you that don’t like to read, Mohammad’s wife was a well established business women when he met her and she continued to run businesses until her death. Sandra, it’s her job to abide by the law. Laws and SOPs for jobs change all the time, your excuse lacks merit. Plus, she was given “reasonable accommodation” as still refused. This lady has absolutely no case.
Angel Toro see ALL above listed comments people have already come in before you
Just wanted to add that tidbit. PPl keep acting like many of the Laws in certain countries are those that were in the Qu’ran when they aren’t.
Loretta Harthan you are off point. Wake up.
We know that the liberal media is against Christians
I stand by Kim.