Promising the people things a government can never deliver is hardly a new tactic for politicians to employ, and it often works — for a while. But there will be a day of reckoning when the whole thing comes crashing down. Venezuela is experiencing that inevitable day, and it looks ugly with leading politicians blaming whomever and whatever is convenient for the people’s misery to draw attention away from their own failed policies.
As Margaret Thatcher noted, “The problem with socialism is you eventually run out of other people’s money.” Or put more bluntly you cannot have a society where everyone tries to live off the wealth of everyone else.
Incentives to produce, to grow businesses and profit from one’s labors are essential to creating a healthy economy, one which provides jobs and produces goods and services that the population demands. Economic and political freedom are the keys to promoting a wealthy society, not the heavy hand of government and its efforts to redistribute wealth according to some arbitrary notion of fairness. Or more often, according to which power group has bought off the most politicians.
So Venezuela is reaping the harvest that the seeds of socialism always produce. Chavez may have been a more successful leader as he was a bit earlier on in the process of economic decay and possessed some degree of chrisma. Things aren’t working out so well for Nicolas Maduro who is the current president.
So we should not be surpised by the results we are seeing. What are those results?
An example that socialism does not work if you still not believe ask Bernie Sanders who took the money of Clinton foundation and bought a 600k house. I am pretty sure his comrades supporters could never buy a house at this price.
When Socialism gets the boot. there’ll be nothing to loot.
God be with them
OK people how many times must a country fall victim to proven disastrous governmental structures. The fantasy sold to the young and the ignorant work when there are more ignorant people in the population than intelligent and educated productive ones. When people are informed, educated, hard working, and focused on making their lives, community, state and nation better ….They are unlikely to believe or even be exposed to the propaganda and political control programming successfully controlling the population of fools. Common sense is uncommon but it is NOT complicated,,,,,,,,,everyone equal sharing resources and fruits of labor. Life is not fair, life is not easy and hard work, delayed gratification and sacrifices are necessary for success, but do not guarantee it. And everything looks better from a distance,,,,,do not think a persons life is easy just because from a distance it seems to be.
Coming to a neighborhood near you
Woke up, huh?
This is where hillary will take us
Hey Bernie what happened !!
A-Bout time they stood up for themselves! Let us HOPE that we don’t have to go thru what Venezuela did with Chavez!