Mainstream Media Pushes ‘Trump As Hitler’ Narrative

What’s mind boggling about the media’s drive to tar Trump as the new Hitler of our time is that even self-proclaimed conservatives are taking part in, joining left-wing noisemakers in demonizing their own party’s frontrunner. Such tactics are keeping  in line with the left’s history of scare tactics and dirty tricks. Per Breitbart:

“Shaun King at the New York Daily News points out a Philadelphia Daily News portrayal of Trump as Hitler – as did the Business Insider – but King seems to have overlooked his paper’s recent labeling of the NRA’s Wayne LaPierre a ‘terrorist,’ and his colleague Linda Stasi blaming a Jewish victim of the San Bernardino terrorism for his own murder.

In a new low even for the New York Daily News, which recently branded NRA chief Wayne LaPierre a terrorist, columnist Linda Stasi has penned a vile column justifying the San Bernardino jihad murders, saying that one of the victims was ‘the male equivalent of Pamela Geller.’

And even before all this, there was John Kasich with an ad portraying Trump as Hitler – as Breitbart reported two days ago: Kasich Gives Half-Hearted Defense of His ‘Trump as Hitler’ Ad

Sunday on CNN’s ‘State of the Union,’ Republican presidential candidate Gov. John Kasich (R-OH) said his ad attacking his rival Donald Trump is not likening him to Hitler, as it has widely been criticized for, but instead just a POW who wants to make sure, ‘have an American president who’s gonna unite us and not divide us.'”

Source: Breitbart


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