Louisiana Residents: ‘No Show Hillary, That’s What We Call Her’

Louisiana Residents: ‘No Show Hillary, That’s What We Call Her’

Hillary certainly wants to appear to be many things. But one thing she is not is genuine. At least not genuinely concerned about the people should would lead. The only people she is genuinely concerned about are those who can contribute in one way or another to her political goals.

So it comes as no surprise that she doesn’t show up to express concern and compassion for the people of Louisiana who have been suffering from devastating flooding, some of whom have lost everything. Even Mr. Obama finally managed to put in an appearance, after he finished his golf game of course.  So while Mr. Obama’s visit might be characterized as “too little, too late,” Mrs. Clinton is being called “No Show Hillary.”

Meanwhile, Trump showed up and promptly donated $100,000 to the relief effort.

This shows you where these people’s priorities are, doesn’t it?  And if you are wondering if things are really that bad, we’ve got a video for you.

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