Louis Farakkan’s Completely Unexpected Praise of Donald Trump

Louis Farrakhan, notorious minister of the Nation of Islam, endorsed Donald Trump’s Muslim vetting policy during an interview with Alex Jones.

Speaking to radio host Alex Jones, Farrakhan said America’s policies created the refugee crisis and have “united people against the West.” He argued that “no Muslim leader had the power to unite the whole Muslim world,” but that U.S. intervention in the area has succeeded in doing just that.

Farrakhan did, however, go after Trump for introducing “some very negative things with Mrs. Clinton and her husband” into the 2016 race.

“I think it’s dangerous for the future of politics and for the future of America when we become uncivil in our discourse,” he said.

Source: The Blaze

In the past, Louis Farrakhan made a tacit confession of his role in the assassination of Malcolm X. He also once called for an army of 10,000 suicidal Black men to rise up and prosecute a race war against Whites.

He is a hypocritical and duplicitous old man, and pontificating about civil discourse is so beyond him that endorsing Donald Trump must be some kind of perverse joke or deceit. Donald Trump shouldn’t waste his time commenting on Farrakhan’s endorsement.



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