April 10, 2016, President Obama publicly stated Hillary Clinton was “carelessness” in using a private e-mail server and in her handling of classified information.
He then proceeded to argue that she had not intended to compromise national security so therefore not guilty and it wasn’t a big deal in the grand scheme of things, that is for the progressive left.
Then on July 5th, 2016, then FBI director James Comey publicly stated Clinton was “extremely careless” in using a private email server and in her overall handling of classified information.
He then proceeded to argue that she had not intended to compromise national security and although classified information transmitted through Clinton’s server was lost, it wasn’t a big deal in the grand scheme of things.
Cynics quickly pointed out the striking parallels between the two accounts. Many wondered if then President Obama had ordered the FBI and his administration to not treat Mrs. Clinton as a criminal and drop the case down to just a minor pesky little issue that didn’t matter big picture.
The cynics were quickly torn apart by liberals and MSM for being misogynistic arses towards Mrs. Clinton. But, then the liberals in a rash move brought on by Trump Hysteria all decided to shoot themselves in the foot. It is impossible for the Democrats to take down the Trump Administration without also bringing down the former Obama Administration.
Former FBI Director Comey was supposed to provide the Democrats evidence for impeaching President Trump during his dramatic Senate hearing. But all he managed to do was accidentally let it slip that former Attorney General Loretta Lynch instructed him to publicly classify the Clinton probe as just a “matter” not a “criminal investigation”.
Loretta Lynch was just following her orders. She was just another cog in the wheel of the Obama Administration. And who do you think was giving Loretta Lynch her orders? This and the documents sent by Lynch to the FBI confirming the Clinton investigation “wouldn’t go far”, all on the next page
She and Hillary will be dead 20 years before they do anything to either of them.
Ask Jeffy Sessions…
Looks like the Russian collusion bs has come back to bite the democrats in their asses!.
It’s about time!