Lord Rothschild Discusses How His Family Created Israel

Lord Rothschild claimed in a recent interview that his family was responsible for the creation of Israel. The heralded Balfour Declaration is widely known to have been sent from British Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour to Walter Rothschild, 2nd Baron Rothschild.

The 3rd Baron Rothschild was instructed to share the letter with the Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland. However, the 3rd Baron Rothschild was not recalled as being particularly passionate about Zionism by his descendant, Lord Rothschild.

Interviewer: “Why was it that this letter was sent by the foreign secretary to your great uncle Walter?”

Lord Rothschild: “That is an interesting question. Because he wasn’t really interested in theology. Although he became interested in Zionism. I think the reason was this that it was primarily a movement from Eastern Europe but they didn’t clarify who was in charge of that movement. And in addition, it was authored in Great Britain.So, the thought that the Rothschild family should be the one to whom it was addressed. Walter was Baron Rothschild, and he was a Zionist, and there were really a million of background reasons. ”

Interviewer: What do you see when you see it here?” The Balfour Declaration.

Lord Rothschild: “I genuinely believe that is one of the most extraordinary moments in the history of the Jewish people.

Interviewer: “I just want to revisit for a minute the role of your cousin Dorothy. Who at an extraordinarily young age, still in her teens, played such a critical role as a go between and a facilitator for Chaim Weizmann.”

Lord Rothschild: “Well she married my cousin when she was 17. She worships her husband. It was due to him that she became interested (Zionism) and once she became interested she became passionately interested. After his death, she became even more committed. She wanted to carry out his wishes.”

“And you can read letters from her to Weizmann when she was only 17 and what she did which was extremely important was connect Weizmann with the British Establishment.”

Lord Rothschild appears to view the creation of Israel as being “the most incredible piece of opportunism.”

A piece of accidental opportunism that resulted in the Rothschild family engineering the acquiring of land and owning the majority of Israeli political infrastructures.

Full interview:



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